Following the path of curiosity.

Write Your Way
to a Life You Love

Hi, I'm Shanna. I write a weekly newsletter for curious minds exploring writing, meaningful work, and living (and earning) with intention in a digital world.

Join Roadtrips & ReflectionsGet a weekly nudge toward creativity, clarity, and freedom.

🎁 Bonus: Get your free guide—Lessons on Life & Living: Wisdom from Timeless Thinkers

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About me homepage image, Shanna Lindinger, Riebeek Kasteel

About Me

For as long as I can remember, writing has been my way of making sense of the world. I’ve navigated winding roads—from real estate to hospitality, freelance remote work to startups—but words have always been my throughline.

Now, I help others write their way to a life they love—whether through storytelling, creative exploration, or finding clarity in the messy middle.

Curious to hear more? Pull up a chair—the coffee’s brewing

Shanna Lindinger About me profile image
Shanna Lindinger
Freedom Seeker Turned to Writing

Most people feel stuck consuming
instead of creating.

📢 Write Your Way to a Life You Love.

Roadtrips & Reflections is your weekly nudge to shift gears—toward storytelling, creativity, and meaningful work.

🎁 Join today and get Lessons on Life & Living: Wisdom from Timeless Thinkers—a guide exploring the insights of history’s greatest minds and how they can help you navigate life’s crossroads.

Ways To Work Together

Whether it’s exploring the power of connection, writing with intention, or reflecting on wisdom found at the bend of a gravel road, there’s always a way to join the journey.

Roadtrips + Reflections Newsletter

A weekly letter for curious minds navigating creativity, meaningful work, and the art of independent living.

Sign Up Now

Lessons on Life & Living: Wisdom from Timeless Thinkers

Explore the ideas of history’s greatest minds and how they can help you navigate life’s crossroads.

Get the Guide

Collaborate with Me

Do you see an opportunity, a partnership, or an idea that feels aligned? Let’s connect.

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